Case Studies
Sharing practical experiences.
Here you’ll find easy-to-read case studies of real-life projects and experiences from around the world to help you better plan, build and manage ecologically sustainable linear infrastructure. Case studies are written by practitioners working on road, rail, powerline and other linear infrastructure projects and showcase what worked, what failed and lessons learnt.
Case studies are listed chronologically according to when they were published here. To find information on a specific topic, please use the SEARCH function and search by keywords, including topic, species, location and author.

Are you part of a project that other people could learn something from? If so please submit it to be featured.
Taking the landscape and the people seriously: Cooperation leads to multiple safe passages for wildlife in a suburban setting in Brisbane, Australia
What appeared to be an environmental disaster became a major achievement when community groups convinced a multinational road operator that a planned motorway upgrade offered an opportunity for reconnecting a severed landscape, with international recognition as one of the rewards.