Making scientific research accessible
Here, you’ll find easy-to-read summaries of scientifically rigorous, evidence-based and peer-reviewed publications from around the world to help you better plan, build, and manage ecologically sustainable linear infrastructure.
Research summaries are listed chronologically according to when they were published here.
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Have you recently published a peer-reviewed scientific paper on transportation and ecology? Do you want practitioners all around the world to find and use your results? Then you need to contribute a Research Summary!
More night-time traffic equals less bat activity
We know that roads and traffic can put bats at risk but what happens when traffic volumes increase? A study on New Zealand’s long-tailed bats shows that there is real cause for concern.
How well do wildlife crossing structures help animals across roads?
Wildlife crossing structures seem like a simple and attractive solution to help animals across roads. But how well do they actually work? This latest global research summary tried to find out.
Animal Detection and Driver Warning Systems – a potential solution for wildlife-vehicle collisions & loss of landscape connectivity on secondary roads
Animal Detection and Driver Warning Systems may be an appropriate solution where over- and underpasses are not feasible along secondary roads. In this pilot, we found a 66% reduction in wildlife-vehicle collisions at a road section equipped with an Animal Detection and Driver Warning System in southern Sweden.
In search of the ideal underpass for wild animals
Designing crossing structures for wildlife underneath roads is a challenge because species may respond differently to factors such as nearby habitat or crossing-structure dimensions. Here we show that large, open crossing structures along natural travel corridors accommodate the highest diversity of large and medium-sized mammals.
Priority regions and species to study and protect from road impacts in Latin America
We identified key areas and species that should be prioritized for conservation and research related to road impacts. In Latin America, vultures, armadillos, cuckoos and shrew opossums need protection, and Central America and northern South America are the regions with the greatest need for research.
More than 10,000 tons of wild mammals are killed on Brazilian roads yearly: Assessing the impacts and conservation implications of wildlife-vehicle collisions
Nearly 9 million medium- and large-sized mammals (>1kg) could be killed on Brazilian roads each year, representing an estimated wildlife biomass of over 10,000 tons. Mortality from roads is a major threat to wildlife conservation in Brazil, and further research and mitigation is urgently needed to avoid species extinction.
Critically endangered possum uses two different types of canopy bridges to cross forestry roads
The tiny Leadbeater’s possum is critically endangered from a combination of habitat destruction, timber harvesting, the effects of high-intensity forest fires, and habitat fragmentation from roads and fire-breaks. We tested two different designs of canopy bridges across roads in their forest habitat and both were used, reducing the risk of predation by terrestrial predators and wildlife-vehicle collision.
Barriers to fauna-sensitive road design and how we can overcome them
Our recent survey of the transport planning and policy literature revealed substantial barriers that obstruct the consideration and implementation of fauna-sensitive road design (FSRD). Although the review identified several ecological support tools that could be useful to transport practitioners, these are of limited use without ‘action-oriented’ research to support their adoption and application of FSRD more broadly.
Roadkill: vehicle collisions may be threatening the survival of some mammal populations
Mammal roadkill can negatively affect wildlife populations but exactly how it does so remains unclear. This study reviewed globally published studies to examine how roadkill affects populations.
A cost-effective approach to incorporate landscape connectivity in Environmental Impact Assessments
We present a simple framework for a landscape level approach to identify species road crossing needs and priority sites for implementation. Our approach permits pro-active, scenario-based planning for wildlife friendlier roads that can easily be incorporated into EIAs.
Mortality of bumblebee queens increases with traffic volume
Managing road verges to promote flowers has been proposed as a conservation tool for pollinating insects in many parts of the world but there is a concern that these habitats might be attracting the insects to a highly deadly environment. We investigated whether traffic mortality of bumblebee queens was impacted by the flowering plant diversity in the road verge and the traffic volume and found that the probability of observing dead queens quadrupled when traffic increased from 100 to 6000 vehicles per day.
Filling knowledge gaps at the landscape level in planning roadkill mitigation measures may offer optimal cost-efficiency solutions for multiple species and taxa
A dramatic global rise in wildlife mortality due to vehicle collision has boosted a wide interest across disciplines to mitigate this impact through the installation of structures such as overpasses, underpasses, fences, etc. These structures can restore connectivity and improve population viability, even though research has found that some structures need to increase their effectiveness. So, it is more important than ever for optimal planning initiatives to be more precise, resilient, and adaptable enough to work for a wide range of species and taxa.
Road verges are corridors and roads are barriers for the movements of flower-visiting insects
The opposite effects of roads (barriers) and road verges (corridors) have been not studied simultaneously and it is therefore unknown what the overall effect of road infrastructure is on the populations of pollinating insects. We used an experimental approach that allowed us to simulate pollen transfer between flowers placed in road verges with different flower densities to track the movement of flower-visiting insects in road environments.
Roads are a severe threat to apex predators across the globe
Apex predators play critical roles in maintaining ecosystem health, but our meta-analysis on 36 species from around the world found all are affected by roads, and particularly in Asia. Proposed road projects in the Brazilian Amazon, Africa and Nepal will affect roughly 500 protected areas and threaten what little remains of apex predator’s core habitats, driving many species closer to extinction. Better planning to avoid such areas is urgently needed.
Improving the design of road ecology research
Our recent survey of the literature revealed a need for significant improvement in how road ecology studies should be designed and conducted if we are to achieve real-world impact beyond the research. We developed a framework that aims to assist road ecologists and transport practitioners in conducting research that will make meaningful contributions to the evolution of the field and have real-world applications.
Steps to improve connectivity consideration in EIAs for road projects
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for planned road projects usually neglect landscape-scale effects. We discuss 14 necessary steps to better assess ecological connectivity in EIA and reduce its degradation and/or loss.
The first comprehensive mapping of Brazil’s remaining road- and railroad-less areas
By mapping road- and railroad-less areas in Brazil we identified priority areas for conservation and restoration. Our study also demonstrated that there is less native vegetation near roads and railroads compared to further away.
Good news: highway underpasses for wildlife actually work
Underpasses are a useful tool to enable wildlife to move across landscapes with roads. Not all ground-dwelling species of wildlife will find underpasses to their liking, but many do. Underpasses are also not a panacea for impacts on wildlife. And we shouldn’t use their effectiveness as a justification to run highways through pristine areas. They’re a tool to minimise impacts of road projects that have wide community support.
More study needed on the negative effects of roads on wildlife at the population level
A review of 1517 studies from around the world concludes that population-level studies are highly underrepresented and addressed road impacts on only 2% of threatened species. Most research was in developed nations, while developing countries are lagging behind.
Citizen science sheds light on patterns and causes of road-mortality of bats in Taiwan.
We used a long-term citizen science data set of bat roadkill and found the rates of mortality were higher in protected areas than non-protected area at higher elevation in Taiwan. In contrast, roadkill of common bat species was best explained by high levels of light pollution at lower elevations, suggesting that bats might be exposed to higher collision risk when they were attracted by insects around streetlights.