The course requires advance registration and payment Participants must register before 10 March 2025 to secure a place on this course. For conference delegates, the training fee for this two-day course is US$ 480 per participant. For non-IAIA 25 conference delegates the fee for this two-day course will be US$ 565 per participant. You can register at the IAIA site ( or use the Registration form as PDF is also available at:
Driving capital into linear infrastructure networks of road, railways and power is one of the world’s greatest priorities to secure a safe future for people and wildlife. However, with fast paced developments Linear Infrastructure (LI) networks, land area available for conservation and restoration is not enough to prevent, reverse and halt the biodiversity loss. Poorly planned linear infrastructure can induce wildlife mortality and impede movement; fragment natural habitats; deplete natural resource and reduce benefits from ecosystem services. While policy to promotes connectivity of habitat in transportation corridors is advancing, development of nature-based solutions and nature-sensitive infrastructure designs to maintain ecological connectivity have a relatively recent origin. Nature-Based Solutions that integrate the principles of ‘connectivity conservation’ and ‘reconciliation ecology’ can maximize the conservation outcomes and societal gains from new Green Infrastructures (GI) developments and mitigate those that exist and cannot be relocated.
The underlying focus of the course is to promote the positive contributions of green infrastructure by sharing Nature-Based Solutions and addressing challenges created by the lack of awareness, technical knowledge, ecological requirements for GI.
This course is designed for anyone with an interest in green infrastructure management at any level, from local to transnational.
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Participants offering to take the course are required to have a basic understanding of impact assessment and ecological concepts related to biodiversity conservation, natural capital, and valuation of ecosystem services. This would help the participants in rapidly acquiring knowledge and skills required for harmonizing biodiversity conservation and green designs while planning and developing transport sector.
Language: English
Duration: 2 days (29-30 April)
Min/Max: 10-25
Price: US $480
Dr. Asha Rajvanshi, Independent Environmental Expert (India)
Dr. Vinod.B. Mathur, Affiliate Faculty with Warner College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University (India)