
Making scientific research accessible

Here you’ll find easy-to-read summaries of scientifically rigorous, evidence-based and peer-reviewed publications from around the world to help you better plan, build and manage ecologically sustainable linear infrastructure.

Research summaries are listed chronologically according to when they were published here. To find information on a specific topic, please use the SEARCH function and search by keywords, including topic, species, location and/or author.


Have you recently published a peer-reviewed scientific paper on transportation and ecology? Do you want practitioners all around the world to find and use your results? Then you need to contribute a Research Summary!

Katherine Aburrow Katherine Aburrow

Roads are a severe threat to apex predators across the globe

Apex predators play critical roles in maintaining ecosystem health, but our meta-analysis on 36 species from around the world found all are affected by roads, and particularly in Asia. Proposed road projects in the Brazilian Amazon, Africa and Nepal will affect roughly 500 protected areas and threaten what little remains of apex predator’s core habitats, driving many species closer to extinction. Better planning to avoid such areas is urgently needed.

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Darrelle Moffat Darrelle Moffat

Critically endangered Western Chimpanzees affected by roads up to 17.2 km away

We calculated that the effects of roads on the critically endangered western chimpanzee extends to an average of 17.2 km from major roads and 5.4 km from minor roads. Our results enable development planners, government regulators, project funders and conservationists to better avoid and mitigate road impacts on chimpanzees.

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Steve Bega Steve Bega

Road Ecology Research in Africa

This research is a review of the road ecology publications and research that have been done in Africa to date to identify the areas and species that have been researched and the lessons learned from these as well as to identify recommendations for further areas of research.

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