Making scientific research accessible
Here, you’ll find easy-to-read summaries of scientifically rigorous, evidence-based and peer-reviewed publications from around the world to help you better plan, build, and manage ecologically sustainable linear infrastructure.
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Have you recently published a peer-reviewed scientific paper on transportation and ecology? Do you want practitioners all around the world to find and use your results? Then you need to contribute a Research Summary!
What attributes are relevant for water culverts to serve as efficient road crossing structures for mammals?
Water culverts along Autoroute 10 in Quebec are used considerably less than one would expect for designated wildlife passages for mammals, since out of 20 species present in the vicinity of the culverts, only about half of them were ever detected making a full crossing, and only two species highly tolerant to water crossed the structures on a regular basis (common raccoons and American mink). Water level and use of polyethylene as construction material were the strongest deterrents.