Making scientific research accessible
Here, you’ll find easy-to-read summaries of scientifically rigorous, evidence-based and peer-reviewed publications from around the world to help you better plan, build, and manage ecologically sustainable linear infrastructure.
Research summaries are listed chronologically according to when they were published here.
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Have you recently published a peer-reviewed scientific paper on transportation and ecology? Do you want practitioners all around the world to find and use your results? Then you need to contribute a Research Summary!
In search of the ideal underpass for wild animals
Designing crossing structures for wildlife underneath roads is a challenge because species may respond differently to factors such as nearby habitat or crossing-structure dimensions. Here we show that large, open crossing structures along natural travel corridors accommodate the highest diversity of large and medium-sized mammals.
Don’t fall short on fencing!
Short stretches of fences can substantially reduce roadkill along a fenced road section, especially if fence-end treatments are in place. However, with short fences there may still not be a net benefit because roadkill can be moved to nearby unmitigated road sections, especially just beyond a fence-end