Making scientific research accessible
Here, you’ll find easy-to-read summaries of scientifically rigorous, evidence-based and peer-reviewed publications from around the world to help you better plan, build, and manage ecologically sustainable linear infrastructure.
Research summaries are listed chronologically according to when they were published here.
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Have you recently published a peer-reviewed scientific paper on transportation and ecology? Do you want practitioners all around the world to find and use your results? Then you need to contribute a Research Summary!
Alternative routes for a major Indonesian mining road to reduce environmental and financial costs
On the megadiversity island of Sumatra, Indonesia, a mining corporation has gained government approval to construct a major, 88-kilometer-long road that would cut across the Harapan Rainforest, one of the last surviving tracts of lowland rainforest on the island. We use strategic land-use-planning methods to identify alternate routes for the road that have far lower environmental and economic costs than the road being currently planned.
Roadkill-hotspot analysis can help save wildlife from getting killed on roads by prioritizing road sections for fencing
In order to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, is it better to use a few long, or many short, fences (FLOMS)? We devised an adaptive plan for prioritizing road sections for fencing, based on roadkill hotspots and coldspots, considering multiple scales and the FLOMS trade-off.